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Visit SSP at NJSBA’s Virtual Workshop

Getting Real with SSP Architects 10-15 min chats

Covering the Everyday Facility Issues of NJ’s School Districts

By Dana Miller, SSP Architects

As if school districts didn’t have enough to deal with already, 2020 dropped a whole new set of challenges on us – from remote learning to questions about adequate ventilation, not to mention all the cleaning and classroom reconfigurations.

Connect for a series of conversations with school officials and industry experts to answer your questions about these pressing facilities topics and more.  Just click on the Zoom links below to join the conversation and navigate through the chaos of 2020 and beyond.

Discussion Topics and Schedule:

Tuesday, October 20th

10:30    Navigating the NJDOE and LRFP’s

SSP Principals Jeanne Perantoni and Scott Mihalick

Join the LRFP Discussion

Working with the NJ Department of Education and having an updated, accurate Long Range Facilities Plan (LRFP) have become key components in the advancement of any facilities project.  Learn how to make the most of your plan, the things to avoid, and the best practices that keep State approvals from slowing down your projects.

2:30       Leveraging Resources through Partnerships

Franklin Township Schools Superintendent Dr. John Ravally and SSP Principal Tammy Stouchko

Join the P3 Discussion

What’s in it for you? As budgets continue to tighten and public funding is reduced, public agencies have had to find creative ways to finance, build, and operate projects. In the past few years, Public-Private Partnerships have become a popular means to accomplish this. Join Dr. Ravally and Tammy as they discuss the case study of the recent Public/Public Partnership between the Township and the School District which resulted in the new Board Administrative Campus.

3:30       How Do We Get It All Done? Charting a Course with a Facilities Master Plan

SSP Principals Jeanne Perantoni and Marcus Rosenau

Join the Master Plan Discussion

Boilers need to be replaced.  The media center is the same as it was when it was built in 1962.  The doors barely lock anymore.  And now there is a major roof leak.  How do you get to all these projects so you make sure you are providing the best you can for your community?  Learn how the State-mandated LRFP can fall short in preparing you and how an educational facilities Master Plan can give a path to safe, healthy schools that don’t break the budget.

Wednesday, October 21st

9:30       Getting the Most Out of Your ESIP: Practical Pointers

SSP Principals Scott Mihalick and Tammy Stouchko

Join the ESIP Discussion

New Jersey’s ESIP program has made it possible for school districts to implement much needed systems and equipment replacements without raising your annual expenditures.  But how do you make sure you are getting the most out of your ESIP dollars, and how do you avoid the pitfalls that can come with this still-evolving program.

10:30    Mid- and Post-COVID Schools: A Buildings & Grounds Perspective

NJSBGA Executive Director Keith Gourlay and SSP Principal/Educational Facilities Manager Tammy Stouchko

Join the COVID Schools Discussion

The coronavirus pandemic threw a whole new level of challenges on already strained facilities and staff, including Buildings & Grounds teams.  In addition to more cleaning, issues such as classroom design, physical barriers, and ventilation now must be addressed.  Join Keith and Tammy as they share best practices and lessons learned through the changing landscape of school facilities management.

11:30    Budgeting for Projects When Prices Go Crazy

East Windsor Business Administrator Paul Todd and SSP Principal Tammy Stouchko

Join the Cost Discussion

Few things on a project are more frustrating than sitting around the table on bid day wondering how to move forward with a project that you now can’t afford.  Project budgets are often set 2 to 3 years ahead of actual bid award.  How do you properly plan for the development of a project, not to mention the impact of unexpected events like trade wars or pandemics?  Join Paul and Tammy for practical tips on setting yourself up for success on your next project.

1:30       Soak Up the Sun: A Practical Guide to Solar Projects

Gable Associates Director of Advanced Energy Solutions Andrew Conte and SSP Principal Scott Mihalick

Join the Solar Discussion

Schools have been taking advantage of the solar market for public schools in New Jersey for the past decade. There are multiple procurement methods, and changes in the incentive programs continue to evolve. Join Scott and Andrew to hear the latest and greatest to best position your district to harness the power of the sun.

3:30       Ventilation and HVAC in the Age of COVID

Engineering Driven Design Principal Jeff Beeden and SSP Principal Marcus Rosenau

Join the HVAC Discussion

Ventilation is the hot-button facilities topic when it comes to dealing with COVID and the reopening of schools.  It doesn’t help when the various codes, standards, and “guidelines” don’t all agree.  And what’s applicable in buildings with ventilation units that range in age from brand new to 30 years old?  We’ll put some of these issues in perspective and share what the science is saying.

Thursday, October 22nd

10:30    Mid- and Post-COVID Schools: An Administrative Perspective 

Kenilworth Superintendent Kyle Arlington, Business Administrator Vincent Gonnella, and SSP Principal Tammy Stouchko

Join the Education Discussion

Education throughout the world was turned upside down in March 2020.  Parents added ‘teacher’ to their resumes; teachers adapted to online instruction; administrations and Boards had to make the tough choice of if, when, and how to safely reopen their schools.  Hear how districts have faced this challenge, including reactions from their communities, and what has worked (and what hasn’t).

11:30    Where’s the Welcome Mat?  School Safety and Security in 2020

Neptune Township Facilities Director Don Frangipane and SSP Principal Marcus Rosenau

Join the Safety Discussion

Even before the pandemic, having the ability to control who entered school buildings and knowing where they were in the building was paramount to everyone’s safety.  Learn strategies for managing access to school buildings, including security vestibules, as well as door and hardware configurations that support lockdown requirements.

1:30       The New Media Center: A Case Study

Hunterdon Central Regional Superintendent Dr. Jeffrey Moore and SSP Principals Jeanne Perantoni, Tammy Stouchko

Join the Media Center Discussion

School libraries have always served as a place of gathering and sharing information.  But the days of card catalogs, microfiche, and dusty bookshelves are long gone.  The spaces that once housed rows of study carrels and once demanded quiet study (shhhhh!) are now being updated to support more lively interaction and collaboration.  Knowledge exchange – even media production and prototype fabrication – are the new norm in today’s “media centers”.   Join us to learn about trends, tips, best practices, and inspiration for your library upgrade.

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