Senior Care Architects
Seniors and their loved ones approach their choice of senior wellness center with much care, and often some resistance.
However, by incorporating the right elements at your facility, you can ease the minds of prospective residents and build a beautiful community full of activity and purpose.
At SSP Architects, in any senior care architecture project, we don’t just design a space for an aging population, we lay the groundwork for communities to take hold at an important stage in people’s lives.
We know that the design of senior care facilities directly affects those who live there. Our mission as senior care architects is to meet the specific needs of our clients while creating thriving environments for operators and residents alike. We use a wide range of design strategies in our senior care building plans to achieve this mission.
Residents’ ability to navigate their environment is a primary consideration in senior care design.
As such, we incorporate solutions for seniors to easily recognize and move through their surroundings. A skilled interior designer can elegantly, yet distinctly develop the look of each wall, floor, and furniture piece to create attractive environments that are easy recognized by those with memory loss.
While architecture and design approaches will vary between projects for different senior care communities, the goal to facilitate navigation and movement is central in all projects.
SSP uses a range of solutions to meet the high demands around sanitation in senior care facilities.
We do so in three primary ways: ventilation and natural air circulation; floor plans that facilitate social distance when necessary; and materials that enable effective cleaning of vital spaces, such as nursing stations, communal dining areas, and residents’ personal spaces. We are conscientious in designing senior care spaces where seniors feel comfortable and nurses are well-equipped to deliver care.
At SSP, we believe it’s important to design buildings that not only protect health but also create a culture of healthy lifestyle choices.

Specialty Services
There are several modern trends in senior care architecture that provide an opportunity for your facility to distinguish itself. Among them are:
Memory care is an evolving field that helps preserve cognitive function. Many senior care facilities employ care providers to administer memory care amongst their population. Memory care design utilizes medical technology and a range of features that keep occupants safe, such as less-conspicuous doorways and outdoor fences concealed by landscaping. By optimizing for memory care, you can create unique value in a sought-after aspect of senior care centers.
Wellness is a growing trend across our society, and senior living is no exception. Amenities like spas, yoga, and exercise rooms can help attract new residents, while improving the wellbeing of your entire community.
These are just two examples of the many specialty services that can elevate your senior care design.
Today, prospective residents and their family members seek environments that allow for a healthy balance between socialization and privacy.
As senior care architects, we know that communities large and small form around common interests, purpose, and experience. In senior living projects, we can design spaces that either engender a common experience—such as an interactive classroom—or allow communities to form on their own, such as in a café/lounge space.
Residential units are the next rooms that prospective residents see. These are personal areas that provide the resident with comfort and individuality. Today’s seniors not only look for a home where they can access care, but one where they can achieve a certain quality of life. As such, residential areas often resemble high-end apartments. Their design should include enough space for occupants to customize their layout and, at a nursing home or senior care facility, comfortably receive care visits. If appropriate, some units may include patios or balconies.
Somerset County Senior Wellness Center
The Senior Wellness Center is one of two contiguous facilities built by SSP Architects for the County of Somerset, New Jersey. This project in senior care architecture has provided a transformative experience for countless people in its community. SSP was awarded an Outstanding Community Partner Award for this project.

The architecture of the Senior Wellness Center includes original designs for a kitchen and dining area, computer lab, exercise classrooms, a health screening area, and more. We incorporated warm tones of stones and wood, and a layout that encourages movement. We also combined the natural light of expansive windows with electric lighting design to benefit mental health through illumination.
Architecture Built on Excellence and Collaboration
As your senior care architect and designer, we see all projects as a collaboration between your expertise in serving your community and our knowledge in architectural styles and designs. By working with each other, we can meet our mission to build a thriving community where new members are happy to enter and existing members find belonging and purpose.
Contact SSP Architects to discuss your upcoming senior care architecture project. We are architects with the experience to build facilities that have a lasting positive impact on your business and the people you serve.